

2021 年 9 月 26 日國際天主教牧靈團體(ICPC)、越南團體及新住民首次在桃園聖母聖心堂一同舉行世界移民及難民日慶祝彌撒。典禮由新竹教區主教李克勉主禮,堂區司鐸張文福神父、國際天主教牧靈團體輔導神師王世龍神父及教區移民移工負責司鐸阮文雄神父共祭。




來自不同國家的信友以各自的語言和文化表現㶝這次彌撒的特色。 信友禱詞包含了國語、英語、他加祿語、西班牙語及越南語。 彌撒歌曲也由其團體使用英語、他加祿語和越南語演唱。

為回應教宗方濟各的《邁向一個愈加寬廣的我們》文告,本次彌撒開始前播放了一段宣導堂區信友參與慶祝活動的影片。 彌撒結束前,再分別以越南語和他加祿語播放另外兩段影片以回應教宗的訊息。

受新冠肺炎的防疫措施影響,本次慶祝活動只限 80 人參加。




107th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 

Rev. Bishop John Baptist Lee Celebrated Mass for the Migrants and Immigrants in Taoyuan

For the first time in Immaculate Heart of Mary Church-Taoyuan, the International Catholic Parish Community (ICPC), Vietnamese Community and New Immigrants celebrated together the World Day of Migrants and Refugees with a Mass on September 26, 2021. The main celebrant was Rev. Bishop John Baptist Lee of Hsinchu Diocese concelebrated with Fr. Joseph Troung – Parish Priest, Fr. Salustino Mondragon Villaloboz – Chaplain of the ICPC and Fr. Peter Hung – Diocesan Chaplain for Migrants and Immigrants.

Rev. Bishop John Baptist Lee in his homily deepened Pope Francis’ message, Towards an ever wider “We,” by reflecting on how our being ‘we’ was broken because of the crisis humanity is going through and how the marginalized people including the migrants are vulnerable to its consequences. 

“The present time, however, shows that this “we” willed by God is broken and fragmented, wounded and disfigured.  This becomes all the more evident in moments of great crisis, as is the case with the current pandemic.  Our “we”, both in the wider world and within the Church, is crumbling and cracking due to myopic and aggressive forms of nationalism (cf. Fratelli Tutti, 11) and radical individualism (cf. ibid., 105).  And the highest price is being paid by those who most easily become viewed as others: foreigners, migrants, the marginalized, those living on the existential peripheries.” 

He then encouraged us to remain faithful and to work together as people of God, proclaiming the Good News by our witnessing. 

The Catholic faithful are called to work together, each in the midst of his or her own community, to make the Church become ever more inclusive as she carries out the mission entrusted to the Apostles by Jesus Christ: “As you go, proclaim the good news, ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’  Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons.  You received without payment; give without payment” (Mt 10:7-8).

The Mass was also highlighted by the representation of different nationalities with their respective language and culture. The Prayers of the Faithful was read in Chinese, English, Tagalog, Spanish and Vietnamese. The songs in the Mass was also sung in English, Tagalog and Vietnamese by the respective communities.

As reflection of Pope Francis’ Towards an ever wider ‘We’, a video clip was shown before the start of the Mass to lead the parishioners into the celebration. Before the end of the Mass, another 2 video clips were shown in Vietnamese and Tagalog respectively, as a response to the message of the Holy Father. 

The celebration was attended by 80 persons only due to the prevention measures against COVID-19. 

The Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Taoyuan on Sundays has 2 English Masses and 1 Vietnamese Mass. The New Immigrants group is actively participating in the parish activities. The parish is a home to many migrants and immigrants in Taoyuan area.


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