
Every year in January, the International Catholic Pastoral Community (ICPC) of the Hope Workers’ Center (HWC) conducts it leadership seminar among the leaders of the 12 ministry groups of Filipino volunteers who serve during the Sunday Masses. They are also those who help the center in giving education and awareness among their fellow migrant workers about their labor rights. The seminar emphasized on the importance of understanding their members (around 200 volunteers altogether). The leaders were surprised to hear from other fellow leaders the challenges they experience in facilitating their own groups and they got inspiration from each other on how to continually serve with joy in their hearts along with the challenges that come with it.
Norman Pangilinan, coordinator of the morning choir and president of the ICPC said,“One of the special gifts that I received from God is having my children. I am very grateful toGod because being a father made me understand better how to make some sacrifices, how to understand, and how to love without waiting for anything in return. I believe that these experiences as a father can be applied as I serve as the coordinator of the morning choir and president of the ICPC. We serve the church as a church. We as individuals represent the temple of God and we could also be a church for other people especially for those who are not able to come to church. We can be a church by sharing with them the Word of God and by doing good
acts of service. As temples of God, we do not only need to fix our physical self but more importantly, we need to improve our inner feelings. We should be careful of our actions and the words that we speak so we can follow the will of God.”
身兼晨間聖詠團團長及國際信仰團體主席的Norman Pangilinan表示:「我的孩子是我從天主得到的特別恩典之一。 我衷心感謝上主,因為只有成為一名父親,才讓我更加懂得如何付出、如何理解、如何去愛,而且不求回報。 我相信作為父親的經驗,可以應用在我擔任晨間聖詠團團長,以及國際信仰團體主席的服事上。我們為教堂服事時,就應該如同一間教堂一樣。 我們每個人作為代表天主的聖殿,也能成為他人的教堂──尤其是為那些無法來到教堂的人。 透過向他人分享天主聖言以及良好的服事,我們可以讓彼此成為一間教堂。 我們身為天主的聖殿,不只要治癒自己的肉體,更要提升自我的內心。我們要謹言慎行,才能時刻承受天主的旨意。」
Sharing of the different qualities of their members
Columban lay missionary and pastoral coordinator, Sherryl Capili (in the middle, standing) with the leaders of the ICPC for 2023
Small group reflection on how to become good leaders
Liturgy of Commissioning for the ICPC leaders of 2023
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